Echoes explores contrasts and parallels between ancient and modern repertoire for recorders in a programme that will delight through its variety of colours, textures and vast array of instruments. Tickets are available at Red Kite Concerts.
Sunday 4th September 2022, 5-6pm
St John's Church,
Cockayne Hatley
SG19 2EA
Royal Rivals
The Flautadors recorder quartet explore connections between Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots. Featuring some of the finest 16th century consort music by Byrd, Holborne & Dowland. Buy tickets here.
Thursday 26th October, 2017, 7:30pm
Milton Court Concert Hall
Barbican Centre
Silk Street
London EC2Y
20th Anniversary Album Launch Concert
In this special programme, to celebrate their twentieth anniversary, The Flautadors perform much loved pieces from Medieval to Contemporary and also combine with a new generation of recorder players and percussionists for Renaissance masterpieces. Performed on a vast array of recorders, this promises to be a feast for the eyes as well as the ears.
This concert also launches The Flautadors fifth album, showcasing their contemporary repertoire and including much loved commissions and arrangements.
More info and bookings...
Saturday 14th January, 2017, 3pm
Hoddesdon Music Club
United Reformed Church
Pipes a-plenty
A family concert featuring the Flautadors' most popular repertoire. Spanning eight centuries this programme includes a bit of jazz, folk, medieval, and Tudor tunes as well as featuring famous composers such as Byrd, Purcell and Bach. They will play on the full range of recorders from every era, totalling over 30 instruments from the huge contra bass to the tiny garklein.
More info or book now
Monday 30th May, 2016, 1pm
Beverley Early Music Festival
St Mary's Church
North Bar Within
Royal Rivals
Performing on beautiful Renaissance instruments by Thomas Prescott, The Flautadors explore the connections between Elizabeth I and her cousin Mary, Queen of Scots. This programme, created especially for the Beverley Festival, features some of the finest consort music of the 16th century with works by Byrd, Holborne, Dowland and Tye.
More info...
Tickets £15, £13 concessions, £5 students
Sunday 29th May, 2016, 2:30pm
National Centre for Early Music
St Margaret's Church
Pipes a-plenty
Spanning eight centuries, this programme includes medieval dances, folk arrangements, music from the Tudor courts, as well as some Bach and jazz. The group will play on over 30 different recorders ranging from the huge contra bass to the tiny garklein.
More info...
Tickets £7, £5 young people, £20 2 adults and 2 young people
Saturday 28th May, 2016, 8pm
United Reformed Church
Victoria Road
BD18 3LF
Fairest Isle
British music from the Tudors to the present day featuring William Byrd and Henry Purcell performed on a huge array of instruments.
Book now....
Saturday 6th June, 2015, 7:30pm
St Andrew's Church
Reflections on recorder music through the centuries from medieval to modern with famous melodies, music from royal courts & works by Bach, Dowland & Pärt. Over 30 instruments of many shapes & sizes performed by critically acclaimed quartet The Flautadors
Friday 8 May 2015 7.30pm
St Mary & All Saints Church
Northamptonshire PE8 5HZ
Music for the Queen of Scots
A programme illustrating the dramatic life in music of Mary, Queen of Scots demonstrating the important connection between France and Scotland in the 16th century with exquisite gems from the Scottish Wode Part books contrasted with lively French dances from publications by Attaignant. The music is interspersed with the poetry and words of the ill-fated queen, her cousin Elizabeth I and other characters from 16th Century Scotland.
More info...
Sunday 28 September at 4pm
Crown Court Church of Scotland
Crown Court Church
Russell Street
Covent Garden
London WC2B 5EZ
Flauti di camera
A programme of baroque music featuring sublime fugues by JS Bach, dazzling concertos by Vivaldi and exquisite chamber music by Handel and Telemann.
Saturday 15 November 7.45pm
Georgian Concert Society
St Andrew's & St George's West
13 George Street
Flauti di camera
Baroque music for 4 recorders and continuo with Harriet Wiltshire, cello and Kasia Tomczak-Feltrin, harpsichord
Sunday 11 May 2014
Music by Bach, Purcell, Machaut & modern works that suit the wonderful acoustics of the venue
3pm at St Mary's Old Church
Church Street, Stoke Newington, N16 9ES
More info...
Tickets £10 (children £5). Available on the door or online
Saturday 2nd November
Cynthia's Revels - music and words from Elizabethan England with actor Christopher Simpson
7:30pm at Crown Court Church of Scotland
Russell Street, Covent Garden, London WC2B 5EZ
Next door to the Fortune theatre. Find out how to get there.
More info...
Friday 5 July 2013
"Cynthia's Revels" - music and words from Elizabethan England
1pm Cafe Concert at the Corn Exchange, Newbury
Saturday 15 June 2013
Family Concert: Pictures features music from around the globe performed on a huge number of recorders!
7pm at St Laurence Church, Upminster
Thursday 11 October 2012
Music for Alexander
6pm Reception 7pm Concert Hinde Street Methodist Church
19 Thayer Street
London W1U 2QJ
5 min walk from Bond St tube
Close to Marylebone High St
Beautiful and uplifting music popular during FM Alexander's lifetime. In the wonderful acoustics of Hinde Street Church you will hear Shakespearian songs by Delius, Bridge and Gurney, piano works by Scott Joplin and Bill Mayerl, as well as music from Shakespeare's London reflecting the revival of early music at the beginning of the 20th century. Readings place the music in context and give a flavour of FM's lifetime.
Music performed by:
Hidemi Hatada - soprano
Wilfred Murray - piano
The Flautadors - Ian Wilson, Merlin Harrison & Catherine Fleming - recorders
Readers: Alan Philps and Kate Kelly
Tickets: £30, £20, £10 available from: ticketsource and The Constructive Teaching Centre

Saturday 14 January 2012
Pipes a-plenty! Family concert
7.00pm Venue: St Laurence C of E Church, Upminster
Sounds from Medieval castles, King Henry VII's court, Amsterdam's canals, the Scottish highlands and the Red Priest of Venice. 800 years of music played on over 30 different recorders from the 20cm garklein to the 2 metre long contra bass!
Tickets: £8 (adults) children free
Monday 5 December 2011
NSPCC Carol Concert
7.30pm Venue: Southwark Cathedral
Music from The Flautadors with Emma Kirkby, organist David Goode and the Choir of Selwyn College Chapel, Cambridge as well as readings from Benedict Cumberbatch, Sir David Frost and Esther Rantzen
Tickets: £25 (green reception) £70 (red reception - champagne & canapés with the celebrities)
Contact Sarah Metcalfe 020 7825 2978
Saturday October 29th 2011
Pipes a-plenty! Family concert
3.30pm Venue: St Michael and All Angels Church , Bath Road London W4 1TT
Tickets available on the door: £8 (adults) £4 (children age 5+)
January 29th 2011
Launch concert for new album - Music for the Queen of Scots
7.30pm Venue: Crown Court Church of Scotland, Covent Garden,
London (Admission Free).
Music for the Queen of Scots - A concert to celebrate the launch of The Flautadors' new album.
Thursday 16th September 2010
East Cork Early Music Festival
Music for the Queen of Scots
A programme illustrating the dramatic life in music of Mary, Queen of Scots demonstrating the important connection between France and Scotland in the 16th century with exquisite gems from the Scottish Wode Part books contrasted with lively French dances from publications by Attaignant. The music is interspersed with the poetry and words of the ill-fated queen, her cousin Elizabeth I and other characters from 16th Century Scotland.
Friday 17th September 2010
County Cork (details tbc)
Family concert featuring Jazz, Folk tunes, Mediaeval Dances, Henry VIII's music, the sounds of the canals of Amsterdam, a bit of Bach and much more! With recorders very large and very small, this is a must for recorder teachers, pupils and enthusiasts!
Sunday 28th June 2009
Recorder Day for Hertfordshire Music Service
10.30am - 4.00pm Roselands School, High Wood Road, Hoddesdon, Herts EN11 9AR
Celia Ireland and Catherine Fleming lead a workshop for recorder players
The fee is £15.00 for participants
Contact: East Herts Music Centres, Ingram House, Bishops' College, Churchgate, Cheshunt EN8 9NH
tel: 01992 623489, fax: 01992 643795 e-mail:
Monday 13th July 2009
15th Stoke Newington Early Music Festival
8pm St Mary's Old Church, Clissold Park, London N16
Phantasies, Ayres & Chaconys
Theatre and Fantasy in 17th century London featuring music by the great Henry Purcell and contemporary Matthew Locke. Recorders and theorbo combine to play chaconnes and dance numbers from the theatre works Abdelazer, King Arthur, Dido and Aeneas, Psyche and Dioclesian. Purcell's wonderfully rich Fantazias with their astonishing chromaticisms feature alongside Locke's Consort Suites performed on recorders, whilst 17th century gems for guitar by the Italian musician Corbetta dazzle the listener. Wine and fruit juice after the concert.
Tickets £10 (concessions £7), Season tickets £45 (£30), Children free,
on sale at Bridgewood and Neitzert or on the door.
Tuesday 18-Wednesday 19 August 2009
St George's School, Harpenden
Hertfordshire County Recorder Course
Thursday 20 August 2009
7:30pm Rothamsted Manor, Harpenden
Recorder Concert